We have seen a tremendous turnaround in all things Catholic in the last few years.
We are witnessing to evangelization on an unprecedented scale. Examples are the conversions in Iran, Iraq and Indonesia. Plus are you seeing the conversion to Christianity to high profile folks?
Since the Lord has blessed us we want to share our blessings with you.
We have removed all subscription fees at our TV Channel and our Youtube Channel both of which have over 500 videos including all of Bob and Penny Lord videos!
Therefore we are furnishing you three links for unlimited free access to:
Link to Our Free TV Channel https://bobandpennylord.live/video-on-demand/
Link to Our Free YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/BobandPennyLordMinistry
Links to our Free App which will also give you direct link to our TV Channel
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Please share these links and post with your friends and family and enjoy the videos!
Brother Joseph
Journeys of Faith