Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
Our Lady of Akita - Mother Mary speaks to a Nun in Akita Japan 1973

Our Lady of Akita - Mother Mary speaks to a Nun in Akita Japan 1973

Our Lady of Akita - Mother Mary speaks to a Nun in Akita Japan 1973
When Sister Agnes recounted the conversation with Our Lady in her journal, she made sure to point out that the voice of the Mother of God was so beautiful, it sounded like Angels singing from Heaven.  Our Lady spoke to her:

"`My daughter, My novice, you have obeyed Me well in abandoning all to follow Me.  Is the infirmity of your ears painful?  Your deafness will be healed, be sure.  Be patient.  It is the last trial.  Does the wound in your hand cause you to suffer?  Pray in reparation for the sins of men.  Each person in this community is My irreplaceable daughter.  Do you say well the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist?  Then let us pray it together.'"  When Sister Agnes began to pray, the Angel reappeared.  The three prayed together.  When Sister prayed,

"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,

present in the Holy Eucharist,"

Our Lady stopped her and asked her to insert the word Truly.  The Angel also included the word Truly Present in the Eucharist.

From that time on, the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist included the term "Truly Present in the Eucharist."

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Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
God created us to become Super Saints. This podcast is about our Journey to Sainthood in these times. Journeys of Faith Ministry, founded by Bob and Penny Lord is about Evangelization through communications, spreading the Good News of the Gospel especially the Lives of the Super Saints. We are all called to become Saints, and each of us has been created uniquely with special features and gifts by God. Our goal is to spend eternity in union with Our God in Heaven. We will focus on the Lives of the Saints, Prayer and testimonies from daily life that will show us how to live as a Christian here and now and become a Super Saint in Heaven