Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
Saint Brother Andre Episode 8

Saint Brother Andre Episode 8

Saint Brother Andre

Miracle Worker of Montreal

Healer, Religious, Doorkeeper, Dreamer of Dreams
Pupils and parents alike soon discovered in this unaffected, humble doorkeeper, a man of deep faith, someone they could turn to. In a world where no one cared whether most people lived or died, Brother André sat with them, listened to them, held their hands and cried with them. With his openness and friendly, loving disposition, he touched many, and they opened up to him, sharing illnesses of mind, body and spirit. He always consoled them by saying, “I’ll pray for you.” Which he did, and miracles started to happen! 
The lame came; they had heard of how the crippled were cured, and they wanted to walk. The sick came; they knew of the infirmed miraculously healed, and they wanted to be cured. The disabled came; they wanted to be whole again, to function as their brothers and sisters. He welcomed them into the small cell he occupied next to the parlor. As he had little use for his cot, because he spent most of the night on his knees praying, Brother André would sometimes have an ill person rest in his room. He spoke to them all; he told them to pray; he then anointed them with some oil from a lamp which burned in front of a statue of St. Joseph.

We could go on and on about the miraculous events credited to Brother André and still not be able to account for all of them. 

If you ever visit Montreal you will certainly want to visit the Magnificent Oratory of Saint Joseph on Mont Royal and pray at the tomb of Saint Brother Andre.

The life of Saint Brother Andre

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Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
God created us to become Super Saints. This podcast is about our Journey to Sainthood in these times. Journeys of Faith Ministry, founded by Bob and Penny Lord is about Evangelization through communications, spreading the Good News of the Gospel especially the Lives of the Super Saints. We are all called to become Saints, and each of us has been created uniquely with special features and gifts by God. Our goal is to spend eternity in union with Our God in Heaven. We will focus on the Lives of the Saints, Prayer and testimonies from daily life that will show us how to live as a Christian here and now and become a Super Saint in Heaven