Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
Saint Michael the Archangel Defend us in the Battle

Saint Michael the Archangel Defend us in the Battle

Saint Michael the Archangel Defend us in the Battle

An example of clusters of holy places would be the area around Loreto, Italy, where the Holy House of Nazareth is located. Down the Adriatic coast, a short distance from Loreto, is a town called Macerata, site of a Miracle of the Eucharist, as well as a very special Shrine to our Lady.In our first book, This is My Body, This Is My Blood, Miracles of the Eucharist, we talked about Holy Clusters. We asked you to consider the concept of God as a Pilot flying high above the earth. From His vantage point, He can see great distances, and occurrences that are about to happen, and have already happened. Aboard His plane, we can see the pattern, He has created. We see clusters of holy places and events that seem to have no connection, other than that they were all instituted by Our Lord, and they are located geographically close to each other. The chronological sequence may be centuries apart. But time is a limitation put on man, not on God.

Saint Michael the Archangel

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Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
God created us to become Super Saints. This podcast is about our Journey to Sainthood in these times. Journeys of Faith Ministry, founded by Bob and Penny Lord is about Evangelization through communications, spreading the Good News of the Gospel especially the Lives of the Super Saints. We are all called to become Saints, and each of us has been created uniquely with special features and gifts by God. Our goal is to spend eternity in union with Our God in Heaven. We will focus on the Lives of the Saints, Prayer and testimonies from daily life that will show us how to live as a Christian here and now and become a Super Saint in Heaven