Journeys of Faith Newsletter
Super Saints Podcast
The prolife candidate will win!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:11

The prolife candidate will win!

How can I say that! Because God Wills it.

Here is some information for all of us to consider.
1. If you are surprised that we are in this mess here in America, then you have not been following the events of the last 300 years, all leading to our present situation.
A lot of our present Godlessness started with the Enlightenment of the late 18th century which started the path of Atheism.
2. The Blessed Mother has been warning us about the dangers and errors coming our way for centuries.
In La Salette France 1846, she warned us about secularism and lack of Faith among the faithful.
In Fatima Portugal 1917, she warned us about wars and Socialism and other errors.
In Akita Japan 1973, she warned us again about sickness and destruction if we not return to God.
I have included some links below for more information about these Approved Apparitions of our Lady.

Here is what we need to remember!
Pray and Sacrifice. Turn back to God. Most important keep in mind the words of Our Lady of Fatima - "In the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph!"

We are living the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This triumph will most likely not be a single event but many events over time.

I believe we have experienced some already. For example the election of 2000 was decided by the US Supreme Court on December 12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe the Patron of the Americas!

The present battle is most connected to Right to Life and Life begins at Conception. For this very reason please implore our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Feast Day December to intercede for America and settle this election mess. Yes of course we should ask for a big miracle to reveal the truth and uncover the deception and fraud.

I encourage you to:

Pray the Rosary 
Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Pray the Abandonment Prayer
Pray these every day until you die, and do not stop when things get better.

God will work miracles is Prayer is the key!

Access any link below FREE
Abandonment prayer
Our Lady of La Salette use coupon code AnyVideo to watch free

Our Lady of Akita listen free

Our Lady of Fatima use coupon code AnyVideo to watch free

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